Florida and Thanksgiving (26th week - 11/18 - 11/24 )

Lily's first Thanksgiving !!!
Again, she slept through the night, then for the morning snooze, for a nice morning nap and an afternoon nap: she is ready for her first Thanksgiving, and it was tons of fun (she did great) http://www.stuartandbutzi.com/2005_pix/11-24-05-Thanksgiving/start.htm
She slept 12 hours, from 7 - 7 Am. First time that she didn't need food in the middle of the night....
Today it was Lily's first day with Jacqueline, the nanny we will share with our neighbor's daughter Fae (5 weeks old), and she first cried 1 hour in the morning and then in the afternoon. poor little one.
Lily was up every hour crying, poor little munchkin and poor parents
the flight home was very mellow, but Lily decided she just couldn't sleep long, and wanted to be entertained by us and the flight attendants, ha! Gave us a little taste of what the flight to Germany might be, only that one will be twice as long
Today she is officially 6 months old - yeah!!! We all went for dinner to the super yummy Thai place, where little Lily was entertained by Nathalie.
Mona, Stuart, and Kathy are working on the pictures of Jean, to get them ready for the service at 4 PM. The service was very beautiful and Lily got her first blessing :) Bunch of people came over to dad's house afterwards, and we all hung with the family until 10:30 (Lily passed out at 8:30). Then we had some big storm that kept us awake, yet the little one slept through it all :)
today we ran lot of errand, to get everything ready for the family to come by for dinner: Joanne, Pam and her 2 daughters, Bill , Wanda, Clay and Bailey, Kathy and Janet, and Dad and Mona and us. Stuart and his sister Mona cooked Salmon Noodle Casserole and brownies. Lily did ok, considering there were lots of people and everyone was holding her. Then it was time to go to bed (at 10!) and then she just cried for 40 minutes. too many people for such a little munchkin.
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